Vicente Cervantes

Tea aficionado, baker, and botany teacher.
A classic homemaker host with a secret.


Name: Vicente Cervantes
Age: 23
Orientation: Pansexual
Sexual Role: Switch
Occupation: Botanist Teacher & Courtesan
Pricing: 500k per hour for nsfw, 350k per hour for sfw
Venues: Asmodeus (Fri) & Komorebi (Wed)
Bon-naka Onsen (Mon) & Naraku Mercantile (Wed & Sat)
Vicente Cervantes never fit in with the warrior focused Xaela society much less the Oronir tribe he was raised in. Openly rebuking the belief that men prove their self-worth only through fighting, he embraced his outcast status early on as a boy. He believed men are allowed to express themselves differently for there is nothing to prove.Being a social butterfly he is best known in Limsa Lominsa for inviting guests from all walks of life to his home dubbed by locals as “The Violetta Residence'' for tea and cookies. They would tell him their stories which fascinated him greatly for how diverse Eoreza really was. He listened intently to every word, be it a confession of dark secrets or a somber one. A nurturing man of heart he would comfort those who needed it and is generous with his affection. Vicente teaches botany which he uses as a means to understand others through each floral species he finds representing the unique qualities of what makes a person.Should one ever want to come by for a look at the residence, it is located in:
Mist, The Topmast Subdivision, Ward 9, Apartment #42 on the Cactuar server.
Despite his towering stature, he has a hard time saying no, picking up cues when someone likes him, and can be easily taken advantage of. On his lavender hair he wears two types of flowers: purple roses and white forget-me-not's. Purple roses are a symbol of enchantment, exuding charm, and wonder. White forget-me-nots symbolize purity.Yet things aren't all that they seem with a man who seemingly fits the meanings. Behind that sweetheart demeanor ironically exists a dirty dark secret nobody suspected a man like him ever had…


From the time he was a young boy Vicente knew he was different. His true birthplace remains unknown as he was kidnapped by the Buduga tribe. The reason was to to be trained as a warrior and thus raised in the Oronir tribe since he was very small. His main interest in homemaker hobbies made him an outcast within the warrior-like nature of Xaela society where he never fit in. He had no desire in becoming a competitive battle hardened fighter like the other Oronir men were whom young boys would look up to. The Oronir clan is notorious for their combat prowess and dominance in the Nadaam. Everyone would whisper amongst themselves what was wrong with him for not enjoying the glory of battle and compared him to being like the Mol tribe.They would see him returning from an outdoor venture with tea leaf bunches he picked to make his own tea blends happily wearing his apron with no shame at all. These excursions were also an excuse for him to secretly meet with outsiders to listen to their stories of adventure. The diverse world of Eoreza was beyond greater than he ever imagined. There were other Primals besides Shinryu? Pirates who fought with their ships in the sky over treasure actually existed? The changes in Ishgard before and after the Warrior of Light’s interference as told by passing outsiders suspended belief. These fascinated him to no end.Immediately after he was caught one day he was sent on domestic duty at an outpost to serve the other warriors that lasted for months. The intention was to force his fighting instincts to arise from the grueling environment. Alas, it proved fruitless as Vicente was unflappable since he never saw domestic chores as humiliating. Even as years passed and he grew into a man, he remained the same which puzzled the tribe even further. Vicente was steadfast about the way he was since he believed a man’s self-worth should not be solely based on how well they fight. What makes a man is not his interests but how well he carries himself.So strong was the desire to break free that he left his tribe behind to seek work at the Bokairo Inn in Kugane. After saving up enough funds he purchased passage to Limsa Lominsa due to it's reputation as a melting pot of diversity. Limsa Lominsa became his new home where he took up residence in an apartment. There he refined his tea making and baking skills even further for potential guests. Tea and cookies was always a way into a stranger’s heart after all. And so began his reputation where his home came to be known locally as “The Violetta Residence”.

RP Hooks

◆ Botany Teacher:
Are you seeking someone who can teach you botany such as floral species? To teach you the language of flowers to expand your knowledge or to impress a paramour? Vicente will happily teach you all the in’s and out’s about botany as he is an actual teacher during the day. Or are you a crafter yourself who is also looking to teach or tell others about your own trade? If not a trade, then a job mayhaps? Such trades and jobs can range from Alchemy to magic like Scholar. Likewise Vicente will be open to learning about your crafting trade and/or hear about what you have to say about your job as well.
◆ Classic Homemaker Host:
After a long day of adventuring, traveling, or needing to confess something that weighs one down, where can you go for that? Do you love freshly brewed tea and home baked cookies? Through his home being dubbed by locals as “The Violetta Residence” for violets representing innocence befitting his personality, Vicente invites guests over so they can tell him their stories and so much more. A nurturing man of heart he is generous with his affection and comforts those who need it. Without judgment he pulls up his chair closer to hear their stories, secrets, and confessions of all kinds of manner whilst providing freshly brewed tea and baked cookies. Food and drinks are always a way into people’s hearts he learned.
Should you ever want to come by for a look at the residence, it is located in:
Mist, The Topmast Subdivision, Ward 9, Apartment #42 on the Cactuar server.
◆ Split Personalities:
Beloved for his friendly hospitable demeanor, no one expected a man like him to ironically hold a dark secret himself. Alas, we all hold secrets in the end and he was no exception. Tragedy had struck one fateful night when he ventured deep into the forest to find a rare floral species. There, he had encountered a powerful oni who brutally assaulted him throughout the whole night and branded him. Cursing him to be a slave to pleasure: to fill or to be filled. When night falls, his desires bloom like moonflowers under the night sky. Then his personality switches. One who is the violent split personality named "Blade" will emerge like it came from the roaring sea: a hard dom. The other who yearns to be savagely used in depraved ways possible as a submissive. Through his calling card being an ornate needle laced with poison disguised as a fountain pen, he seeks out company in the seediest places to satiate these dark desires that drove him mad with lust. Even after all the sensual encounters he’s had every night, he just can’t get enough. He can't stop.
The addiction is too thrilling to give up that he cannot live without.
No one can ever find out. Not now, not ever.


◆ Vicente's F-List HereVicente's "dark" personalities can be played two ways: a rough hard dom ("Blade") or a depraved submissive bottom. The sweetheart personality whom is "Flowers" is a romantic soft dom and thus will never do the things that Blade does. It must be one or the other, Blade and Flowers cannot be combined together to be one entity. An example being that Blade will never give aftercare nor romantic affection but Flowers will. Likewise Flowers cannot be asked to do things such as choking. This is because they require different mindsets to get into.For ERP I am very descriptive and tend to write 5-8 full para's per response with the highest I've written was 23 para's. I tend to take around 15-25 minutes to respond with sessions typically taking 4-7 hours. For non-ERP, I write around 2-3 full paragraphs and responses take about 10-15 minutes to write. While I'm able to adapt to a partner's length to not be as long, there is a limit. If you are looking for a one hour "quickie" with less than one para responses, this character isn't for you.ERP's done just cause for the sake of bore me. I prefer to write stories with them and not focus only on the motions. Because of Vicente's split personalities who are written differently, inner monologue, motifs/analogies, and using the environment is a must in my style. He is very much a "slow-burn" but still hits quite hard. Feel free to hit me up with ideas for all kinds of horrible dark scenarios, I would love to hear them!◆ Top kinks: non-con, bondage, drugging, breeding, choking, facefucking, medium impact play, loss of innocence/corruption◆ Limits: Scat, watersports, vore, and permanent death/maiming/scarring.Note: I am not a native English speaker so I may make some grammar mistakes and can struggle with comprehension. Please do not rely on me "reading between the lines" via IC if something is wrong because there is a chance that I will not know how to interpret it, especially in non-con scenes. I can check in with you but I ask that people please, please, please tell me OOC if anything is ever wrong so we can work it out. I would rather know sooner than later and will NEVER hold it against someone for speaking up.

OOC Info

Hello there, I’m Xanadu but go by Xan (he/him)
I am new to RP’ing as FFXIV has been my first and only experience for a year. I appreciate any helpful tips that others can toss my way. I have been an avid reader of fiction since I was a child (“A Series of Unfortunate Events'' was my favorite back then). When it comes to genres, I lean towards gothic horror and romance. However I am alright with exploring other genres if requested and discussed first.
“Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” is one of my favorite pieces of gothic fiction that I took inspiration from when developing Vicente’s character as a prime example. I use recurring motifs in my storylines such as flowers because of their many hidden meanings.I only RP in-game only, no Discord. Vicente can be played with both personalities. Not combined together but have one come out first and then the other takes over later. Or one personality only. Storylines can be wholesome slice-of-life or with dark themes. Vicente's character is more suited for those who like psychological based storylines with visual imagery through words.To check chemistry, I prefer starting off with a one-shot first and then make it short-term if it ends up working out well. I don't really do long-term unless we mesh amazingly well. English is not my first language either so I may make some grammar mistakes.I like to use Gpose screenshots to supplement my writing so I love creating gPose collabs with potential RP partners. I am not fast when it comes to Gposing on the spot thus I'd prefer to work on it on my own time and I get a partner's input along the way through Discord. No pressure however if you do not want to collab.If you have any questions or would like to RP you can always DM me on Discord: floridamanxan